Monday, February 27, 2012

Vampire or Werewolf?

When happens when Edward leaves and Jacob flees?
Bella is left alone, with no choice to make between two "amazing" boys.

And guess what? She's free!

This is a "Twilight Saga" reference, by the way.
I was re-watching the movies and realized what an awful story it is if you look too deep into it.
Edward is controlling and somewhat emotionally abusive.
And Jacob can never really have what he wants... always second best but still obsessed.

It's kinda similar to a couple guys I used to like.
I liked the both at the same time but my decision skills were lacking so far along it gave me time to see how pathetic and wrong both guys were for me.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Where the hell have I been?

Ah, life!
It takes crazy twists and turns!
I haven't written here in forever...
It's been too long!

Now I'm a shnazzy Starbucks Barista.
I've made good friends and my hours are getting better.
My boss is awesome. And there's really not a lot of drama.
Except with my evil twin.
But... we won't get into that just now.

All you need to know is that life is soooo good.
I'm happy :)

I'll write more later when I have the time.
Right now I need to get to bed!
It's almost 11pm and I have to get up at 6am to open up shop :P
