Thursday, February 3, 2011

Adam Bottiglia

So since I'm pretty sure you're one of my only constant readers, I thought I'd dedicate this blog to you, Mr. Adam Bottiglia :D

Dear Adam,

You and I have been friends for a few years now and honestly, I have no clue where my sanity would be without you. It seems like whenever I'm in a bind with life or hard decisions, there you are, so willing to give me all the right answers. And a lot of the time I try to follow your advice best as I can. But some of the time, not so much... I kinda just ignore reason and create my own.

The talk you and I had during our lunch(and dessert) the other day put my entire situation into perspective. I'm scared to death to do what I feel I should cus there's so much I feel is left. I want to walk away and make my life my own but... I yearn for a certain someone to realize what they're losing and look at me the way they used to... the way they sometimes still do...

I feel crazy, wanting what I know may be impossible. But... I also don't wanna give up hope that this may be my final chance. Wow, this isn't making too much sense huh? After all, I was pretty decided the other day lol. It's a day to day struggle. On one hand, I feel like saying, "I can break free!" and on the other hand, I wanna say, "This is MY life and I choose to fight for what I want..."

You're right... I am the wild card. I wish I could give up but... idk if I can or if I even want to.

Love is irrational... & so am I sometimes.

I missed being able to talk with you. And I hate the thought of you leaving. But I'm so happy life is taking you where you want. I know you'll be wonderful.

I'll blog again another time...

Goodnight :)

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