Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Contacts/Avril Lavigne && Rambling About Life

It's a qarter after four in the morning. I have an eye doctor appointment at noon to see if I can be fitted for contacts. Apparently, I will be given a 20 minute class on how to put them in and take them out lol. I'm actually pretty pumped :D
It'll be nice to have the option of whether or not I wanna wear them.

Onto other news, I bought Avril Lavigne's new album today. It's called, "Goodbye Lullaby"

It's a lot more deep than her other stuff, which I don't mind at all. But I do love classic Avril sooo... her single, "What The Hell" is my fav on the album.

My brother, Josh, and I wanted to take Hayden to the Zoo tomorrow but my appointment will probably last too long and the Zoo closes at 4pm. Lame... but oh well! We'll take her soon!

You know all those cliche people who say stuff like, "Oh my gosh, I'm never gonna find that one person for me"? I feel like that MOST of the time. I'm perfectly content being just me right now. Cus to be honest, I'm AWESOME! I love my life, however scattered it may be at the moment, and it pleases me that I'm able to cut through the B.S. and see through the fake people in my life. But I'm at the point where I feel like I want to move forward. I hate feeling stuck. I've always been too antsy to let life hold me back. But I have to admit it does feel nice to take a breather and stand still sometimes.

I'm almost 22 years old. Isn't that insane? My life has been rocky, at best, and I want it to sail smooth already.

This has been a lot of just rambling but... idk... what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Smooth sailing is on the horizon, if you stick to the course... but it does take time and patience. A lot of people think that they are entitled to a peaceful and happy life, as if that is just how life is supposed to be; things are just not that way. If you want it you have to fight for it, you have to fight long and hard. Along the way you will discover the wisdom you need to take you to the next level (as you are already starting to see), but wisdom only presents herself to those willing to take the time to listen and follow.
    We reap what we sow, and sowing takes time and work.
