Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Work Day

So today was super hectic at work.

I kick started my work day by throwing the freezer load. Keep in mind, all this product I have to put away is easily 10-50lbs a box and stacked up to 2 feet higher than me. I'm not used to doing this so naturally, my muscles were yelling at me. But I was done within twenty minutes.

Today was also the 1st of the month, so everyone who has food stamps started their shopping today. Which means it was VERY busy all day.

There are two people I work with that I've become great friends with. You'd think because they both are good friends with me they'd also be good friends with eachother right? Not even. They really don't get along and today it got to the breaking point. It really makes me sad to see them like that. It's also very hard to be there for both of them objectively when I can clearly see which one is wrong most of the time. So their drama added fuel to the fire.

In the midst of all the busyness and drama, someone called in today. On the first of the month, that's quite a blow.

While one of my co-workers was at lunch, I was helping a customer. (keep in mind, there are probably twenty people at the counter right now waiting to be helped) Out of the corner of my eye, I notice something horrid... A child sitting in a cart, about 3-4 years old, starts to projectile vomit everywhere... ALL OVER THE MEAT DEPARTMENT. So I finish up with my customer and call maitenence. The policy in my store requires me to stand next to a "spill" until someone comes. Ten minutes later, still no maitenece. And the only other worker on the counter is getting frustrated... and customers are grossed out and pissed it's taking so long. Meanwhile, the parent of the child has strolled away, not even caring enough to stay and make sure it's taken care of.... GAH!!!!!

Have I ever mentioned how bad I get around vomit? No? Omg... well... If I even hear it, see it or smell it, I'll start to gag. I was dying :(

Finally maitenence comes and I'm relieved of barf duty... only to deal with said-customers who now blame me for the delay of deli meat, fried chicken and seafood that they wanna purchase with food stamps...

"Hi! What can I get for you today?"
*customer points to hot case*
"Can I buy friend chicken with my food stamps card?"
"No ma'am. You can't get anything from the hot case on food stamps." *smiles politely*
"Ohhh... well what about jojo's?"
*Mentally rolls eyes* "Um, no ma'am. Nothing in the hot case can be purchased with food stamps."
"Oh I see. Well what CAN I get on food stamps?"
"Anything in the deli aside from food in the hot case."
"So not even chicken strips?"
"Nope, sorry. Is there something else I can get for you?"
*customer looks pissed and walks away without a word*
"Have a nice day..."


Later on, as I was coming back from the bathroom, I hear a shattering noise a couple aisles up... some customer had dropped quite a few of those candles in the thick glass jars...

Let's just say I didn't get off work on time.

How was your day??

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