Saturday, April 9, 2011

Clubbin' ;D

So tonight the cousins and I are going to a club downtown.
It's called FX and it's an 18 and over place. Katie and Kelcie aren't 21 yet so we can't go to any totally awesome places but hey, that's ok =]

Life has been really crazy lately.
When is it not though? lol.
I sometimes wonder why the hell I go through half the shit I do.

I feel lonely a lot of the time.
I have no idea why. I don't feel the need to like, BE with people constantly but I often feel alone in a crowded room. You know, that whole dramatic nutshell. I feel like I should have gone through this phase wayyyy earlier in life. Maybe I did? I don't know.

I just... had to grow up young and take on sooo much responsibility so soon. It makes me wish I was a teenager again.
I wish I could work low hours and live with my parents so I could go to school.
You know, like NORMAL people my age.
But no... life is hard and I have to roll with the punches.
Sometimes I really resentful but mostly I'm EXTREMELY grateful or what I have.

My life could be way worse and I'm lucky to be in such good circumstances.

I'm having lunch with Adam on Thursday.
I feel like he always has the words to make me better :)

Anyways, I need to go hit up the town ;)

Have a good night <3

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Good Afternoon

Why is it only night time when inspiration hits me?
No clue, but today I decided to break the mold and write before work :D

A lot of stuff has been happening lately.
Work took a very dramatic turn, but the beauty of it is that I dealt with my business and now things are way better :)

It's the beginning of the month, though, and that means everyone is out shopping.
Seriously... why can't they space it out? DAMN!
There's been sooooo many people shopping this weekend, it's hard to keep up with anything.
Yesterday I thawed out a bunch of backup seafood for the case today.
Honestly, I'm sometimes unsure of WHY I bother. It all ends up being gone by the time I get to work and the other guy I work with never really bothers to help me out by doing the same thing soooo... ugh.

I'm putting forth an effort, though. That should count, right?

I wanted to do VEDA this month. VEDA stands for, "Vlog Every Day of April" but I got lazy lol. So I'll do it in August instead!

If yo guys haven't figured it out yet, I have a youtube channel

I also just made a channel with my friend Luis,

I would check those out if I were you ;D

This networking thing is harder than I thought. I used to be able to keep up with my facebook, twitter, myspace, dailybooth, youtube, blog, etc, without any hassle. But now that I work all the time, and have to be away from my laptop, it's getting harder. I wanna be able to keep up and show you guys I still care :)

So I think, to stay better connected, I might get an iPhone *GASP* I know, I know... I always wanted one but couldn't justify it. Now I can.

I'm gonna be doing some awesome things in the near future and wanna keep up with you guys about it!

So please make sure to follow me, add me, subscribe, whatever!

