Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This is a little random, but I hope you guys enjoy my point of view.
Today I was discussing bisexuality with my friend.
The term has always kind of confused me.

I was bisexual in high school.
I haven't told a lot of people that. Everything happens for a reason though.
The appeal is obvious: more options, less restrictions, no boundries.

In my opinion, bisexuality is a stepping stone; a kind of crossroads to finding out who you really are.
Look at it this way: When you find someone you love, and marry them, are you still bisexual? Haven't you chosen? Maybe I'm too narrow minded. But it just seems to me that you're bi until you're not; you're bi until you decide whether you're straight or gay.

What do you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. I think that bisexuality can mean different things to different people (we're all different, right?) For instance, I completely understand your logic with bisexuality being a stepping stone towards who you really are, kind of a middle ground. In my opinion, it also is in itself a sexual orientation. I, for example, being married to a man am still attracted to females. I don't think this will go away because I'm married. It's just kind of a fact. I have accepted that part of myself, and so has my husband (not that it's shameful, just still looked down upon by too many). I have no intention of making a decision whether I'm straight or gay (obviously not gay, but you get the point), I've just accepted myself. :) Hope this helps!
