Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse
By: The Red Jumpsuit Aparatus

Softly we tremble tonight,
Picture perfect fading smiles are all that's left in sight.
I said I'd never leave you'll never change
I'm not satisfied with where I'm at in life.

how, [2x]
Am I supposed to be happy?
When all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
When all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for me...

We made plans to grow old,
Believe me there was truth in all those stories that I told.
Lost in a simple game cat and mouse are we the same people as before this came to light?

how, [2x]
Am I supposed to be happy?
When all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
When all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for me...
You must live for me too....
For me too....
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, You...
Said that you would die for me....

Whooaaa (soft backup) [2x]
Am I supposed to be happy?
If all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
When all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for me...
I love this song with a passion =]

Monday, March 15, 2010


I'm doing my photography project tonight, whooo! Like I've written before, I had to do 7-12 pics telling a story or showing a process. I'm making strawberry daquiri's =D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Need You Now-Lady Antebellum

My song pick of the day. It describes exactly how I've been feeling lately.

Need You Now
By: Lady Antebellum

Picture perfect memories,
Scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone cause, I can't fight it any more.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.

Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door.
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk,
And I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.
Yes I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.
I just need you now.
Oh baby I need you now.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Good Luck With Shooting The Moon

Lately, music has been my salvation. Day and night I'm continuously litening to my ipod or radio or music in Adam's car. And honestly, it makes me feel so good. 'Good luck with shooting the moon' by, "Ok, Go" is a song I've listened to most often [hint, hint, Adam... you should get it for the car xD] I also have been listening to an old favorite of mine, 'All the same' by, "Sick Puppies." It reminds me of the situation I'm going through and it does make me feel a little melancholy and sad but I somehow feel it's good to open up every emotion I have; just let it all out and give it to God I know He'll always be with me in whatever I'm going through.

In other news... I REALLY want to go out and DO something one night. Whether it's going dancing or playing games at a coffee shop.. ugh... I want it to happen!!! xD
I feel like singing that song, 'Out tonight' from the musical, "Rent" because it describes how I'm feeling at the moment. So you know what? Let's post some lyrics and a vid, shall we?

Out Tonight
From the broadway hit, Rent
Sung by the character, Mimi

Whats the time?
Well it's gotta be close to midnight
My body's talking to me
It say,'Time for danger'

It says 'I wanna commit a crime
Wanna be the cause of a fight
Wanna put on a tight skirt and flirt
With a stranger'

I've had a knack from way back
At breaking the rules once I learn the
Get-up life's too quick

I know someplace sick
Where this chick'll dance it the flames
We don't need any money
I always get in for free
You can get in too
If you get in with me

Let's go out tonight
I have to go out tonight
You wanna play?
Let's run away
We wont be back
Before it's New Years Day
Take me out tonight (meow)

When I get a wink from the doorman
Do you know how lucky you'll be?
That your on line with the feline of
Avenue B

Let's go out tonight
I have to go out tonight
You wanna prowl
Be my night owl?
Well take my hand we're gonna howl
Out tonight

In the evening I've got to roam
Can't sleep in the city of neon and chrome
Feels to damn much like home
When the spanish babies cry

So let's find a bar
So dark we forget who we are
And all the scars from the
Nevers and maybes die

Let's go out tonight
Have to go out tonight
You're sweet
Wanna hit the street?
Wanna wail at the moon like a cat in
Just take me out tonight

Please take me out tonight
Don't forsake me - out tonight
I'll let you make me - out tonight
Tonight - tonight - tonight 

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Can you solve for me a mystery Of why things have to change
Why is life so complicated
Why can't things stay the same I understand that people grow
And often grow apart
But why did it have to be you
When I had given you my heart I held inside my feelings
Never told you how I feel
But I need to tell you somehow
That I know this could be real
You have a special something
I just can't figure out
But I know that it could work
That's what love's about I'll keep inside my feelings I just can't let you know
Because of what will happen
You'll change and then you'll go.

I'm not sure who wrote this poem but Gil shared it with me and I thought I would commence writing a blog about him that I promised I'd write.

Gil, or Gilbert, walked into my life recently. He randomly sent me a message telling me about himself and telling me how I seemed like a cool person and wanted to see if I was up for becoming friends. After messaging him I came to learn a lot about him and his hermit ways lol.
I don't know if I've ever met somone else who's as passionate about love, writing and general curiosity as me.
Sometimes, in order to move on you need that certain somone who can make you feel worht while and wild at heart.
You guys aren't meant to know what this blog means...
Just sayin.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

So I'm actually learning some stuff in photography class lol. The teacher talks and displays the things we're supposed to be learning so quickly, it's hard to keep up.
I have a project I'm doing for this class whee I'm supposed to do 7-12 pics telling a story about something. I'm kind of tapped out for idea's. Anyone have any idea's or wanna be model for me? I should be free to do a shoot soon. So cantact me for more details.

Things are doing okay for me with life right now, I guess. A few setbacks... but I'm surviving.
I don't ant to just survive, though, I want to live. And he makes it hard =/

But anyways... I'm seeing Alice in Wonderland tonight. I'm dressing up as the queen of hearts =]

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Last 2 Years

I've heard people sya that moving on from something difficult is the hardest part of life. Besides illness and stuff of that nature of course.
I mean, when you're so set in a pattern that it becomes everything that you are, suddenly being jolted out of that pattern can be frightening and not everyone bounces back to their amazing potential.

I know first hand about loss and hardship. My life these past two years has been extremely hard. It all started when I quit my job at Safeway in August of 2008. My grandmother, who was like my second mom, died in the same month. She was the one supporting me and my father, because she needed care that caused my dad to not be able to have a job. Taking care of her was our job. So we lived off of her social security checks. So you can imagine what a bind we were in when she passed. On top of unimaginable grief for a mother, we were forced to make some pretty tough decisions. My brother, Josh, lived with us for a bit to help with rent but we couldn't make it.
I ended up moving to my friend, Znne's, house and my Dad moved in with my aunt... well, sort of. He technically is homeless. He's never there, he sleeps in his truck. Things for my dad aren't going so well, still. Along with moving in with people I didn't know, I lost my financial aid due to bad grades. I just, wasn't feeling the whole school vibe. I was depressed and pessimistic and generally not a good person. My procrastination got the best of me but by the grac of God I somehow got my financial aid back.
Then in December my fiance of two years broke up with me. We got back together a week later, but we recently broke up again. We have been dating off and on since 2005.

So all of this... it's hardship. It's difficult and ugly and you know what? I'm fine.
My life is turning around. I'm doing well in school, without anyones help. I got a job at my local grocery store. I got my own place with my friend. I even got a puppy.
And despite the heartbreak of not being with my first love and high school sweetheart, I'm getting back on the horse and doing well in the dating aspect. No dates yet, but I've already had some offers xD

So, I guess the point of this blog was to tell you all... no matter what happens, things will get better. If you have good friends and a decent family and you trut in God, anything is possible.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


"I am a lion, mighty among beats, who retreats before nothing..." Proverbs 30:30


This is the bible verse for my life. Everything I do, I try to think like a lion. I try to be strong and courageous and just... take life as it comes, not knowing what will happen to me. And I know God will always provide for me.
Alice in Wonderland is coming out in theatres at midnight Thursday evening. I'm going. Hopefully, it will be fun =]

Anyways, just thought I would post.

Talk to you later.
