Sunday, July 4, 2010


So yesterday my entire day was filled with really disgusting things =(

The day started out like any other. I went to work. It's super busy because it's the 4th of July weekend.

The first gross offence happened ten minutes into my shift. There were tons of workers back in the deli with me. Everyone was bumping into each other since it was so crowded. I was helping a customer and turned around to grab a plastic bag for the lunch meat. All of a sudden, my co worker was in my face and sneezed all over me, not even bothering to cover her mouth. I was thoroughly grossed out. But no... my journey doesn't end there my friends...

I was getting shrimp for a different customer. When I turned back to the counter to hand her the shrimp, she was no where to be seen. I didn't want to just set it on the counter and move to the next customer in case she wanted something else, so I went out the swinging doors to see where she was. I saw her on the ground, holding an infant. Apparently the little boy had just thrown up everywhere. I asked, "Ma'am, do you just want me to set this in your cart?" She turned to me and said, "Yeah and you need to clean this up!" I then proceeded to call maintenance and gag helplessly as I helped clean it up.

The third and final offence happened after I went to the restroom. I had just washed my hand when a little girl came up to me. She said, "I'm short." I was like, "Join the club" lol. She then asked, "Can you lift me up to wash my hands?" I thought for a second that I should tell her no, but I felt like being nice. When I bent over to lift her, she got this wicked smile on her face and yelled, "STRANGER DANGER!" and spit in my face!

I felt very violated yesterday. But today should be better. Gonna chill and eat pasta and watch fireworks =] Happy 4th of July you guys =D

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