Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yay For Updates!

So the first day of summer sucked. It was cloudy and I had to work. But almost every day since has been amazing. Sunny skies and awesome schedules at work. This week I have Sunday, Wednesday and Friday off =P I'm pretty excited! I might even get the 4th of July off, whoo! I wanna go to Oaks Park or somewhere closer to watch fireworks on the waterfront. If you wanna join me, let me know. I'd hate to go it alone!!! =P

So Sunday is poker night at Fishers house.
Tuesday is the midnight showing of Eclipse (finally!)
Wednesday is a day trip to the river!
Friday... not sure yet!

I do know, though, that I have to go apply for food stamps because I don't make enough money to support my living situation and LIVING off of food as well lol. So I'll probably do that super early on Wednesday.

Also, Fisher and I got into a fight. Communication has been our weak point for a while and it caught up with us. Things are better now... but they were pretty rocky the past week.

My 21st birthday is on July 13th and I cannot stress enough how excited I am! If you havn't gotten an invte yet, I'm having dinner and drinks at Old Chicago on the 16th to celebrate =D
On the actual day of my birthday, though, I'm going to the beach! If you wanna come, let me know! We have a full car right now, but if you have a car and would like to come, the more the merrier! We wanna go to seaside for an hour or so for shopping and then go to like, cannon beach or something to explore and collect seashells! We're also bringing a picnic!

Some bad news, though, is that they're starting the remodel on the deli at my work July 6th and it's supposed to last for 3 1/2 weeks. That means I'll get little to no hours and I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to collect unemployment like people have been saying I can... so if you have a way to help me make some extra cash, let me know.

I guess this has jut been an update blog for my summer so far. It's been pretty good, which pleases me, cus summer is my favorite time of year! I gotta hop off to work now, though! Love you guys!

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