Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Lion By Any Other Name Would Be Called: Megan

Yesterday was my first day back at work in a week cus of illness. But you already knew that if you read my little online journal... blog... thingy. Come to think of it, why DO you read this? It's stupid.

Yeah... way to score points or gain any readers Megan... shit....

Anywhoooo.... I realized something at work yesterday: I don't hate it. Almost every other job I've had, I've ended up hating. Makes sense. I just hate WORK. Not gonna lie. But with it comes a sense of world belonging and satisfaction in bringing a service to people so that makes it worth it. I do get annoyed with only one co-worker, however, and she just can't seem to redeem herself to me lol. She's always yelling, "MEGAN! YOU NEED TO COME OVER HERE AND HELP US!"

Yeah... STORY OF MY LIFE, LADY! =P Jk lol. She just rubs me the wrong way so I try to stay out of her reach.

There something specific I wanted to put in my blog that I thought of yesterday, but now it has escaped me... effig thoughts! I told you that you weren't allowed out of your cage!

I did, however, come across an AMAZING mask in the Pioneer Courthouse Square Mall the other day whilst adventuring with Livvie:

It's pretty awesome, right? It was like, $60 though, otherwise I would have bought it!

The whole shop was things that people/artists made by hand. Livvie and I were in awe. There were tons of masks and crafts, paintings and lamps. It was, indeed, a treasure hunt to see who could find what was more cool.

Livvie and I decided that if we ever had a masquerade party, we'd probably shop there for our masks. Mine was only one of a couple dozen that were all sorts of things like animals, flowers, even a queen on hearts-type mask =]

Youth group is tonight and I haven't been there in a couple weeks cus of being sick and stuff so I'm excited to see everyone =D

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