Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Novelists Life

As some of you may know, I got a new laptop a few months back. It's cute, it's a Dell... whateva. But right as I turned on my Toshiba(my first laptop) to get all my stuff off of it, it gave me the blue screen of death and didn't work until Fisher could figure out how to wipe it clean. So everything I had was lost. Including my epic novel that I've been writing since I was about fiteen or sixteen.

At first, I was in such mourning for it that I told myself I didn't want to rewrite it. And ya know... I still feel like maybe I shouldn't rewrite that exact book. So I decided I want to write it again, but it'll be different and better. It'll be a teen novel. And Hopefully you all will like it.

So as I sit here, writing to you and munching on the delicious burger king goodness that Fisher just brought me, I have a billion idea's oing through my head. And I've also come to a decision... THIS is what I've always wanted to do with my life. I've been a procrastinator for WAY too long when it comes to this book... and I want to take back what I started almost five years ago when I met Fisher... I wanna take back the project that helped give me a voice at my school.

Novelist life....... here I come, whether you're ready for me or not ;D

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