Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day Of Summer

Today is the first day of summer. Whooo. (please note the sarcasm in my voice, due to the weather.)

This morning was super sunny and beautiful, but alas, clouds have altered not only the day, but my mood. I need to go out and do something fun soon, but today is day 3 of 4 at work and I must do my best to not drag my feet so I can get stuff done.

My co-worker, Katie, quit to go to school. (yay Katie!) But she was the main seafood clerk, besides the PIC(person in charge) Katina. So now I have to do it until they decide to hire someone else who can take my place in seafood. Or they might just decide I'm doing too good a job and make the new hire do my job =/

I think I might be spending way too much time with Fisher, too. That's also what's making me feel so down today. There's been a couple instances in the past week(some he's aware of, some he isn't) where he just pissed me off. I'm not sure if it's my fault for being around so much, or his fault for not making an effort.

On the upside, my cousin, Katie(not to be confused with my ex co-worker) graduated from high school a week ago. It's insane! It seems like yesterday I was walking her to her first day of kindergarten. I'll post a video when I have time later tonight to edit it and put it on YouTube =D

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