Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog number 2934593768693635473

So hopefully I won't mess up this blog like I did the last one lol. MUST NOT TYPE THEN ACCIDENTALLY ERASE EVERYTHING! >.<

So anyays...
I sold two of my camera's to someone on craigslist yesterday, whooo!
I sold my Canon SX10is and my Kodak Zi6. And I know what you're thinking:

"Omg Megan! You're a photography freak! Why would you sell two of your babies???"

Well, imaginary friend, I'll tell you!
I don't take pics anymore. Not professionally at least, and I don't make too many youtube video's anymore, either. So hence, I got rid of my semi-professional camera and my vlogging camera. It's sad, but I'm $300 richer for my 21st birthday next month!

Oh yeah, that's right! I'm gonna be 21 on July 13th =D
And I think I've heard whispers from Fisher about a day trip to the beach, if anyone wants to come!!!

I had orange juice and a bagel with peanut butter for breakfast. It's the first time in forever that I actually had a breakfast food before noon lol. Maybe I'll start a new trend? Or not! This guy was hammering on something this morning and woke me up. LAME! When I finally got up to yell out the window for him to shut the hell up, the hammering stopped and there was no one in sight. Just my luck. So I woke up cranky and knew it was my destiny to blog about it and tell all of you invisible people who probably always have breakfast at a morning hour and have no idea what I'm talking about.

Today is my first day back at work since I got sick and was sent home last tuesday. Whooo! It's kinda like, that first day back at school where you're excited to see all your friends but you're dreading the new classes... then, by the end of the week, you dread school altogether. BUT! I kinda like my job, so maybe this won't be as brutal lol.

I'm now on the third book in "The Mortal Instruments" series, yay!

Um... that's all I have to write right now =D

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