Monday, August 30, 2010

Seattle Lights

"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight."
Benjamin Franklin

This Thursday I'm going to Seattle! Why? To see my best friend, Sarah Jin, whom I haven't seen in seven years. She and her family moved to Canada the summer before my freshman year of high school in 2003. I've known Sarah since I was ten years old and I'm so blessed to have her in my life as my best friend for life! :D

Although, I've never been to Seattle and it's a bit scary going somewhere new on your own. I'll b taking Amtrak or Greyhound there(whic I've never ridden before) and meet up with her on Thursday and come home Friday. I'm also a little nervous about seeing her. It' been so long and we weren't able to grow up together in the same schools or with similar friends. I worry I won't be who she expects me to be. BUT! I'm still stoked to see her because I know she'll love me no matter what and we'll always be best friends =]

Anyways... any tips for traveling by myself that I should know?

p.s. Adam I found some awesome flax seed chips at my work and omg they're so tasty! You should stop by sometime and check 'em out =D

Monday, August 23, 2010


Tuesday is the two year anniversary of my grandma passing away. She was like my mom.
Fisher thought I was mad at him today. I simply stated that I was just in a funk...
"What kinda funk" he asked.
"Oh... just thinking about tuesday..."
"Oh um... what's on tues-- oh yeah! I'm sorry I forgot! I couldn't get it off work, ethere! I'm sorry baby!"
I, of course, told him there was no reason to fret.

I'm visiting her grave on tuesday. I want to have a picnic and kinda just hang out there for the day so I can feel close to her. If anyone wants to come, that would be great. But I understand if you'd rather not waste a beautiful summer day in a cemetary eating crappy sandwhiches and watching me go all "black abyss emo ginger kid" lol.

I guess I just wanted to head up there early with nothing but a cup of coffee, some flowers, some music and munchies. Maybe I'll take a book and read out loud. My grandma said to me in her last years that she was so jealous of how I could sit in bed and read all day. She used to do that too, and her eyes were too weak to do it anymore. So I would sometimes read out loud to her when she would ask why I was laughing or crying while reading a book. She was always curious about the way I felt when reading something. My dad said I reminded him so much of her and her goodness and the way I "ticked."

But anyways... if you do decide to join me, just let me know through text or message me on facebook and we'll set something up =]

Thursday, August 12, 2010

F Off

New video teehee =P

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If It's Not Like The Movies...

Hey there! It's just me again!

So here's some news!

Josh and I got approved for our apartment! Yay! So now we're moving to Easton Ridge apartments just down the road from Winco. =D
We're gonna have a painting party and a house warming party so keep september 10th-20th semi-open =P

Also, I think my bestie, Sarah, might be heading to Oregon! I haven't seen her in like, seven years!

Random note: I can't stop eating my delicious meal that Josh made me! I've been sick with such a sore throat that I could barely swallow, let alone eat anything. So all I've had to eat today was toast. And I was in urgent care all day. They thought I had strep but my test came back negative. They gave me some antibiotics and vicadin though... schweeeetttt! So now I can eat! YAY!

Here's my song of the day =]