Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If It's Not Like The Movies...

Hey there! It's just me again!

So here's some news!

Josh and I got approved for our apartment! Yay! So now we're moving to Easton Ridge apartments just down the road from Winco. =D
We're gonna have a painting party and a house warming party so keep september 10th-20th semi-open =P

Also, I think my bestie, Sarah, might be heading to Oregon! I haven't seen her in like, seven years!

Random note: I can't stop eating my delicious meal that Josh made me! I've been sick with such a sore throat that I could barely swallow, let alone eat anything. So all I've had to eat today was toast. And I was in urgent care all day. They thought I had strep but my test came back negative. They gave me some antibiotics and vicadin though... schweeeetttt! So now I can eat! YAY!

Here's my song of the day =]


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