Monday, January 3, 2011

Grateful For Life

"I know how it feels to want things to speed up... but remember to enjoy every single moment during those inbtween, seemingly insignificant parts leading up to the places you wanna rush to... cus the ride there is half the fun" ~Me! :)

Life is crazy but I'm so blessed to be part of so many things.

Work is one thing I'm very grateful for. I despise the long hours and small pay but it makes me appreciate the things I can have because of it. Like my awesome apartment, insurance and food on my table. I can't believe that this time last year, I was just getting my job at Winco... :)

Music is another thing I'm eternally grateful for. -sigh- What the heck would I do without it? It's crazy to think that one form of entertainment can make you feel a million different ways.

Something I've been thinking a lot about lately is WOU (Western Oregon University). I want to go there so bad. I like working at Winco but honestly... I don't think I could survive working there the rest of my life. I know it's an ok option for some people... but not me. I need room to spread my wings and thrive! So now comes the tough decision... what should I major in? I really want to do something in the writing field, whether it's being an editor, author or both. Or maybe a teacher. I'm afraid teachers aren't too high in demand right now, though. I'm scared for my future.

Originally, when I graduated high school, I said I wanted to go to WOU and become a teacher so I could go back to Milwakie High School to teach English/Creative Writing. But now I think I want to become a kindergarten teacher. It'd be so nice to be surrounded by amazing pupils and know I'm molding the future into something great. And it'd also be nice to have summers off lol.

Life is awesome. And crazy... and oh-so-scary! BUT! That's just part of the ride... and even though it'll be hard work... I think it'll all be worth it.

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