Thursday, January 28, 2010


I've been thinking about making food lately. Like... good food. The kind that takes effort and is actually kind of good for you instead of the opposite; junk food is becoming less appealing to me. And lately, I've been addicted to the 'Vitamin Water' which is basically what is sounds like, but it tastes like juice and it's delicious. I'm shopping tonight for some groceries so I can take breakfast and lunch to school and work. It's cheaper, easier and less greasy. Also, I've been obsessed with parfaits lately. Or as Blake calls them, parfs xD

I want to make a cake, cookies and maybe something else. Anyone wanna join me? Not sure which day I'll be doing this yet, but it'll be fun when I do it.

Strawberry cake sounds delicious right now. Too bad it's so many calories =(

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Shot For The Sky, I'm Stuck On The Ground.

Life is in a crazy-busy transition period right now. School, work, sleep. School, work, homework, no sleep. School, homework, church, bus rides. Then there's moving. I'm moving to a freinds house in a couple weeks and I hope it all works out okay.
I still have to go over to Zanne's and pack up the stuff in my room. But I'm putting it off a little because I feel very unwanted there and I just don't have the time.
If I have Sunday off I might go do it then, but idk. I'm hoping to do it on a day where no one is home. Not likely, but oh well.
It' bed time. Just thought I'd update.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tag, You're It!

If you've been tagged or you are reading this, you have the honor of copying all these goofy questions, writing your own response, and tagging 20 other victims. You have to tag me so really you just need 19 more people. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you - but not in a creepy stalker kind of way.

1. What time did you get up this morning?
7am to wake up Fisher, then noon to get up for work.

2. How do you like your steak?
medium rare

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

4. What is your favorite TV show?

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

6. What did you have for breakfast?

7. What is your favorite cuisine?
seafood fettuccine

8. What foods do you dislike?
most veggie's

9. Favorite Place to Eat?
Olive Garden

10. Favorite dressing?
ranch =D

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
none =[

12. What are your favorite clothes?
Comfy ones

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
Ireland and New York =D

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
Full =]

15. Where would you want to retire?
Somewhere interesting

16. Favorite time of day?
Night time. I'm a total night owl =3

17. Where were you born?
Milwaukie, Oregon

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Football I guess lol

19. Who do you think will not tag you back?

20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
no one

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?

22. Bird watcher?
Only in passing

23. Are you a morning person or a night?

24. Do you have any pets?
One kitty =^.^=

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
Not really

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
Famous singer

27. What is your best childhood memory?
Setting up all of my toys and stuffed animals, climbing on my fisher price table and singing 'twinkle twinkle little star' at the top of my lungs while I pretended to be a rock star.

28. Are you a cat or dog person?

29. Are you married?
not yet

30. Always wear your seat belt?
most times

31. Been in a car accident?

32. Any pet peeves?
Being retold what to do, people biting their nails, etc.

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?

34. Favorite Flower?
roses and carnations

35. Favorite ice cream?
Orange Sherbet and chocolate

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Subway or taco bell recently.

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test?

38. From whom did you get your last email?
Um... the school I think

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Oh man... 'No Skinny' or 'Hot Topic' =D

40. Do anything spontaneous lately?

41. Like your job?
It's pretty good =]

42. Broccoli?
LOVE it =D

43. What was your favorite vacation?
The beach with my dad and grandma when I was like 9.

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?

45. What are you listening to right now?
Andrea playing video games

46. What is your favorite color?

47. Do you have any irrational fears?

48. Last thing to enter your mouth?
Pepsi =D

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So I was just on a break in the middle of my photography class. Fisher and I went to the student store to get some apple juice. On our way back, I told him I ha to go to the bathroom and that I would meet him back in class.

I traveled to the ladies room, walked in the stall (I swear this won't be TMI) ad when I went to take off my jacket, one of my earrings, which happens to belong to Zanne, fell into the toilet!

I know what you're thinking, "OH NOOOOO!" That's exactly what I said out loud.

I texted Fisher telling him I dropped it then started thinking. I looked around the bathroom for supplies or anything I coul use to reach into the toilet and grab it so I could salvage the earring and clean it off.

Can you just imagine the look on my face? Panic-stricken; eye's wide, mouth in a shocked 'O' shape, wheels a-turnin'.... wondering what the hell I'm gonna do...? Yeah, it's pretty funny.

I came to the conclusion I'd just have to suck it up and stick my hand in the toilet bowl. So I got some tissue together to dry my hand right away and then I prayed to God I wouldn't get any disease's, and I slowly brought my hand within an inch of the toilet water. I cringed thinking about how many people use this bathroom everyday.

In my moments hesitation, the toilet flushed. IT FLUSHED!!!! In the monster flow of water the earring disappeared.

I cursed all automatic flushing toilets in that moment.

Grounds For Termination?

So I was google-ing some random stuff in my photography class today when I came across this posting on where this writer was talking about grounds of termination and an example of a man who harassed a co-worker and got fired for it. The writer wanted to know what their readers thought. So I thought I would re-post and see what all of you thought.

Imagine being a female worker at a dead end retail job. One that goes no where but is necessary to pay the bills and live. Then imagine having to deal with finding a note addressed to you like this:

'You really should just close the message and go about your day. This is the kind of letter that you write and then promptly burn. I'm not fond of following the rules so I sent it anyway. Seriously though, this is not going to be an easy message.

You've made an appearance in my dreams twice now. This is not good. You make me uncomfortable enough irl. The second dream was more significant than the first. You were the hero, and you saved my life from some pirates who were after me. I suppose I should be thanking you.

Could you think about... How many conversations have you had with me that weren't in someway work related...1? maybe 2? Even off the clock I think the only real time I've spent talking to you was showing you my ipod...but even that is work related. Even then, I was terribly uncomfortable.

This is because life has taught me that I have no business associating with the pretty people. Even after moving through several churches growing up, I was just never accepted. There isn't anything I can do about my face. It's not my fault. I've extended true efforts of genuine friendship toward people time and time again, only to get treated like a disease.

I can't control my dreams, so you're my only hope. Please stay out. Please?

You didn't accept my 2nd friend request and I can understand. I could be reacting prematurely. Maybe you haven't seen the 2nd one yet. Honestly though, I'm surprised you accepted it the first time. Thank You though. That was a huge confidence builder at a time when I needed it the most.

No one should have to suffer through a letter like this from a coworker. This will be my last communication with you apart from work.

The strong warning at the start of this is because I do not wish to have a discussion about this letter. Especially at work. I'm sorry, if this is has made you terribly uncomfortable. I'm sorry if you hate me.

You are unequivocally everything I've ever liked about any girl I've ever liked. However, You should be thrilled to know that I have no interest in you romantically. I know your name isn't Sarah, does that count for anything? Do you really drive to/from XXXXXXX all the time?

I'm sorry that you read this. However, If you didn't read it, Thank You so very much.

Now you have to go back to work and work side-by-side with this guy all day long and pretend you never read the letter.

Th guy who wrote this, named David, didn't have a problem with it. Unfortunately, the female co-worker he gave this letter to did have a problem with it, and turned the letter over to management.

David was fired and didn't take it lightly, so he posted the letter online on LiveJournal to try and get sympathy. He wrote:

'I understand how that could make someone uncomfortable, but after dreaming about her twice I.Was.Freaking.Out.

Store manager is claiming this was harassment, but I can't find anything in hours of reading about various laws that will support this isolated message as harassment.

The thing that sucks the most is when I came back from my lunch I was planning on apologizing to her. I wrote a note on my lunch with only her first name on the front and inside it says "I am sorry"

Instead, I was fired.'

So what do you all think? Was his termination justified? Or was it unfair? He said he was going to apologize but who knows? Maybe he was just saving face.
Personally, I think he deserved it. It's clearly sexual harassment. But that's just my opinion.

By the way today is mine and Fishers two year anniversary. A little random, I know, but I'm pretty happy so...

Cheers =D

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Juno & Saved?

Watching the movie, "Juno."
It really makes me think about the miracle of life and how so many people are getting pregnant and having babies.
And it makes me wonder what God really thinks. So many new lives. He knows everything that's going to happen; everything that was and everything that is or is going to be.
I also watched the movie, "Saved" earlier. I have so many thoughts on this life and God and how it all works together.

Idk... just something I've been thinking about.

Friday, January 15, 2010

She's So High...

Good evening my wonderful reader(s).

I'm still unsure how many people actually read this blog but I'm certain the people who read it are, indeed, wonderful.

Today was my second day working at the Winco on 82nd Ave. So far it's pretty good. I work in the deli, usually closing shifts which means I stay till 9 or 10pm, and it's wayyy fast paced so the time there goes by quickly. I'll have money save up for a car in no time =D
I've decided that I'm gonna save half my checks for a car and rent, and use the other half for bills. Hopefully everything I need will work out to my advantage soon! The only thing that makes me a little nervous about working there is a couple of the lady's I work with. One is new, like me, and the other thinks she's in charge. And they both try to boss me around and it really bothers me. I just want to do my job and go home each day so I can get paid and do what I need to in life. I really don't want to deal with drama at a new job. I'm making a new start and I won't let anyone get in my way =]

Just thought I'd give a little update. Sorry it wasn't sooner. My last wisdom tooth is growing in and it was killing me for a couple days. It's not bothering me now, and hopefully it won't again, though.

Also, a song I've been listening to lately is a cover by Four Year Strong called, "She's So High." You guys should definitely check it out. It' almost, key word ALMOST, as good as the original :D

Love you guys!

Monday, January 11, 2010

2nd Week In...

So I am currently in the 2nd week of classs. I can't wait till next term when I can take classes later in the day and the sun will start to shine more often. Yoga class is good. Wednesday will be my 4th class and I'm told we'll finally need to bring the straps used for helping out with deeper stretches. Some poses are a little discomforting, because of my wieght and other contributing factors, but I'm sure I'll have them down in no time. Despite appearances, I guess I'm pretty flexible. Maybe it was the TeaKwonDo classes from when I was a kid?
Digital Photography is good. We had our first day of photoshop last Thursday and it's a little bit confusing but I'm hoping I'll get it a little better when the instructor goes over the steps again, which he's assured the class he will.
Journalism is... in a word, awesome. The very first day I made friends quickly with the students and instructor and even included myself in our very first class discussion involving an article we read out loud about Tiger Woods in Vanity Fair Magazine. The only thing that makes me nervous is the upcoming assignment. I'll explain more later but just know it's a profile about a random person you're paired up with in the class.
Finally, creative writing. It's not so challenging yet. Since it's online, we've just been doing discussion board stuff.

In other news, I got a new laptop. It's a Dell and it's fabulous! If you wanna buy my old one, contact me:

I also had my second interview for Winco today. I got offered a job! They drug tested me and if the test comes out negative, the job is mine! Of course, I'm no druggie! But I did have a poppy seed muffin a week ago and it may be very miniscule but I'm afraid it might show up on the test, because opium is in poppy seeds and it stays in your sytem for around 30 days. I've been told I have nothing to worry about, though, lol.

Anyways, I should head to bed. It's an hour long ride to school on the bus so I have to wake up at 7am on Mondays and Wednesdays and 6am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Goodnight! =D

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Brightest Star

Many many stars up in the sky, sitting, shinning, flickering with life. I would always go out and look upon them. Dream, hope, wish, for certain things. There was always one star I would see. It shined the brightest I would always sit in the grass and stare at it, mesmerized by its beauty. Until recently I went out and it wasn’t there. The brightest, most amazing thing gone without a seconds notice.
I search, and search again through the sky and try to find it but I do not prevail. I sit in the grass. Sitting there with sadness. Something I loved dearly drifted away. When I looked up into that deep black sea of nothing but the faintest specks. I noticed something, something amazing. I saw that there was another star.
One that was not as bright but something about it made content, happy, relieved. I sat there and watched that star all night. Thinking about it, observing it. I watched through the morning and waited all day till the night which it would show again. I looked for it but it wasn't there... Just when I thought something anew would become. It didn’t. I am stuck lying, with nothing. Nothing close to my heart. Nothing to truly put my attention to. This is a pain everyone fears. It hurts everyone in many different ways. And I can tell you nothing right now hurts as worse as this.

-Anothny Olson


I'm in my first digital photography class right now.
Adam, now that I know you read these blogs, HI! =D
And please don't scold me for goofing off and blogging in class lol... I'm on an amazing Mac computer and I can't help myself. Besides, it's the first day and no one is really doing anything xD

So far, I love this class. Right now we're talking about our 'experience' with takings pics and photoshop. This is a class that occurs twice a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) and I guess Tuesday classes are for lectures and learning stuff and Thursday classes are for photoshop =D
I'm pretty excited to learn everything I need to know.

Also, I had my first yoga class yesterday. SO... FREAKING... AMAZING! But my ankle is a little sore. I bpght my yoga mat, strap, blocks, clothes and water bottle and I'm all set to be one with my body... or whatever xD
I definitely felt some muscles I had forgotten about yesterday lol.

Something else I bought yesterday is a new camera. I know, I know, I have two already. But this is different. It's like the 'Flip' camera, where it's mainly for video rcording, but it can also take stills. Not very good stills, but stills none the less. It's a Kodak Zi6. And it's HD, which is pretty kick ass lol.
So now I have a basic 'point-and-shoot' digital camera, a semi professional camera and a basic portable video recording camera that's  little bigger than my palm.


Anyways... hope you have a good day!!! <333

Sunday, January 3, 2010

For Mitchell Davis

Yup yup... hope you guys like this one.

Tik Tok


So here's a video from my youtube account that I made. It's a little out of sync but still good I think.

I hope you guys have an amazing year. It's 2010, whoooo~! xD