Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So I was just on a break in the middle of my photography class. Fisher and I went to the student store to get some apple juice. On our way back, I told him I ha to go to the bathroom and that I would meet him back in class.

I traveled to the ladies room, walked in the stall (I swear this won't be TMI) ad when I went to take off my jacket, one of my earrings, which happens to belong to Zanne, fell into the toilet!

I know what you're thinking, "OH NOOOOO!" That's exactly what I said out loud.

I texted Fisher telling him I dropped it then started thinking. I looked around the bathroom for supplies or anything I coul use to reach into the toilet and grab it so I could salvage the earring and clean it off.

Can you just imagine the look on my face? Panic-stricken; eye's wide, mouth in a shocked 'O' shape, wheels a-turnin'.... wondering what the hell I'm gonna do...? Yeah, it's pretty funny.

I came to the conclusion I'd just have to suck it up and stick my hand in the toilet bowl. So I got some tissue together to dry my hand right away and then I prayed to God I wouldn't get any disease's, and I slowly brought my hand within an inch of the toilet water. I cringed thinking about how many people use this bathroom everyday.

In my moments hesitation, the toilet flushed. IT FLUSHED!!!! In the monster flow of water the earring disappeared.

I cursed all automatic flushing toilets in that moment.

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