Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Grounds For Termination?

So I was google-ing some random stuff in my photography class today when I came across this posting on www.livejournal.com where this writer was talking about grounds of termination and an example of a man who harassed a co-worker and got fired for it. The writer wanted to know what their readers thought. So I thought I would re-post and see what all of you thought.

Imagine being a female worker at a dead end retail job. One that goes no where but is necessary to pay the bills and live. Then imagine having to deal with finding a note addressed to you like this:

'You really should just close the message and go about your day. This is the kind of letter that you write and then promptly burn. I'm not fond of following the rules so I sent it anyway. Seriously though, this is not going to be an easy message.

You've made an appearance in my dreams twice now. This is not good. You make me uncomfortable enough irl. The second dream was more significant than the first. You were the hero, and you saved my life from some pirates who were after me. I suppose I should be thanking you.

Could you think about... How many conversations have you had with me that weren't in someway work related...1? maybe 2? Even off the clock I think the only real time I've spent talking to you was showing you my ipod...but even that is work related. Even then, I was terribly uncomfortable.

This is because life has taught me that I have no business associating with the pretty people. Even after moving through several churches growing up, I was just never accepted. There isn't anything I can do about my face. It's not my fault. I've extended true efforts of genuine friendship toward people time and time again, only to get treated like a disease.

I can't control my dreams, so you're my only hope. Please stay out. Please?

You didn't accept my 2nd friend request and I can understand. I could be reacting prematurely. Maybe you haven't seen the 2nd one yet. Honestly though, I'm surprised you accepted it the first time. Thank You though. That was a huge confidence builder at a time when I needed it the most.

No one should have to suffer through a letter like this from a coworker. This will be my last communication with you apart from work.

The strong warning at the start of this is because I do not wish to have a discussion about this letter. Especially at work. I'm sorry, if this is has made you terribly uncomfortable. I'm sorry if you hate me.

You are unequivocally everything I've ever liked about any girl I've ever liked. However, You should be thrilled to know that I have no interest in you romantically. I know your name isn't Sarah, does that count for anything? Do you really drive to/from XXXXXXX all the time?

I'm sorry that you read this. However, If you didn't read it, Thank You so very much.

Now you have to go back to work and work side-by-side with this guy all day long and pretend you never read the letter.

Th guy who wrote this, named David, didn't have a problem with it. Unfortunately, the female co-worker he gave this letter to did have a problem with it, and turned the letter over to management.

David was fired and didn't take it lightly, so he posted the letter online on LiveJournal to try and get sympathy. He wrote:

'I understand how that could make someone uncomfortable, but after dreaming about her twice I.Was.Freaking.Out.

Store manager is claiming this was harassment, but I can't find anything in hours of reading about various laws that will support this isolated message as harassment.

The thing that sucks the most is when I came back from my lunch I was planning on apologizing to her. I wrote a note on my lunch with only her first name on the front and inside it says "I am sorry"

Instead, I was fired.'

So what do you all think? Was his termination justified? Or was it unfair? He said he was going to apologize but who knows? Maybe he was just saving face.
Personally, I think he deserved it. It's clearly sexual harassment. But that's just my opinion.

By the way today is mine and Fishers two year anniversary. A little random, I know, but I'm pretty happy so...

Cheers =D

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