Friday, January 15, 2010

She's So High...

Good evening my wonderful reader(s).

I'm still unsure how many people actually read this blog but I'm certain the people who read it are, indeed, wonderful.

Today was my second day working at the Winco on 82nd Ave. So far it's pretty good. I work in the deli, usually closing shifts which means I stay till 9 or 10pm, and it's wayyy fast paced so the time there goes by quickly. I'll have money save up for a car in no time =D
I've decided that I'm gonna save half my checks for a car and rent, and use the other half for bills. Hopefully everything I need will work out to my advantage soon! The only thing that makes me a little nervous about working there is a couple of the lady's I work with. One is new, like me, and the other thinks she's in charge. And they both try to boss me around and it really bothers me. I just want to do my job and go home each day so I can get paid and do what I need to in life. I really don't want to deal with drama at a new job. I'm making a new start and I won't let anyone get in my way =]

Just thought I'd give a little update. Sorry it wasn't sooner. My last wisdom tooth is growing in and it was killing me for a couple days. It's not bothering me now, and hopefully it won't again, though.

Also, a song I've been listening to lately is a cover by Four Year Strong called, "She's So High." You guys should definitely check it out. It' almost, key word ALMOST, as good as the original :D

Love you guys!

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