Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yay For Updates!

So the first day of summer sucked. It was cloudy and I had to work. But almost every day since has been amazing. Sunny skies and awesome schedules at work. This week I have Sunday, Wednesday and Friday off =P I'm pretty excited! I might even get the 4th of July off, whoo! I wanna go to Oaks Park or somewhere closer to watch fireworks on the waterfront. If you wanna join me, let me know. I'd hate to go it alone!!! =P

So Sunday is poker night at Fishers house.
Tuesday is the midnight showing of Eclipse (finally!)
Wednesday is a day trip to the river!
Friday... not sure yet!

I do know, though, that I have to go apply for food stamps because I don't make enough money to support my living situation and LIVING off of food as well lol. So I'll probably do that super early on Wednesday.

Also, Fisher and I got into a fight. Communication has been our weak point for a while and it caught up with us. Things are better now... but they were pretty rocky the past week.

My 21st birthday is on July 13th and I cannot stress enough how excited I am! If you havn't gotten an invte yet, I'm having dinner and drinks at Old Chicago on the 16th to celebrate =D
On the actual day of my birthday, though, I'm going to the beach! If you wanna come, let me know! We have a full car right now, but if you have a car and would like to come, the more the merrier! We wanna go to seaside for an hour or so for shopping and then go to like, cannon beach or something to explore and collect seashells! We're also bringing a picnic!

Some bad news, though, is that they're starting the remodel on the deli at my work July 6th and it's supposed to last for 3 1/2 weeks. That means I'll get little to no hours and I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to collect unemployment like people have been saying I can... so if you have a way to help me make some extra cash, let me know.

I guess this has jut been an update blog for my summer so far. It's been pretty good, which pleases me, cus summer is my favorite time of year! I gotta hop off to work now, though! Love you guys!

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day Of Summer

Today is the first day of summer. Whooo. (please note the sarcasm in my voice, due to the weather.)

This morning was super sunny and beautiful, but alas, clouds have altered not only the day, but my mood. I need to go out and do something fun soon, but today is day 3 of 4 at work and I must do my best to not drag my feet so I can get stuff done.

My co-worker, Katie, quit to go to school. (yay Katie!) But she was the main seafood clerk, besides the PIC(person in charge) Katina. So now I have to do it until they decide to hire someone else who can take my place in seafood. Or they might just decide I'm doing too good a job and make the new hire do my job =/

I think I might be spending way too much time with Fisher, too. That's also what's making me feel so down today. There's been a couple instances in the past week(some he's aware of, some he isn't) where he just pissed me off. I'm not sure if it's my fault for being around so much, or his fault for not making an effort.

On the upside, my cousin, Katie(not to be confused with my ex co-worker) graduated from high school a week ago. It's insane! It seems like yesterday I was walking her to her first day of kindergarten. I'll post a video when I have time later tonight to edit it and put it on YouTube =D

Can't Be Tamed

I haven't posted just lyrics lately... so here's some lyrics from a song that I can't stop listening to lately! Plus the video is beautiful and I REALLY love the costumes and makeup. I love videography soooo much =D

Can't Be Tamed
By: Miley Cyrus

For those who don't know me, I can get a bit crazy
Have to get my way, 24 hours a day
'Cause I'm hot like that
Every guy everywhere just gives me mad attention
Like I'm under inspection, I always get the 10s
'Cause I'm built like that

I go through guys like money flyin' out their hands
They try to change me but they realize they can't
And every tomorrow is a day I never planned
If you're gonna be my man, understand

I can't be tamed, I can't be saved
I can't be blamed, I can't, can't
I can't be tamed, I can't be changed
I can't be saved, I can't be (can't be)
I can't be tamed

If I see my reflections bout my intentions
I'll tell ya I'm not here to sell ya
Or tell ya to get to hell
I'm like a puzzle but all of my pieces are jagged
If you can understand this, we can make some magic
I'm on like that

I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don't know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know

I can't be tamed, I can't be saved
I can't be blamed, I can't, can't
I can't be tamed, I can't be changed
I can't be saved, I can't be (can't be)
I can't be tamed

I'm not a trick you play, I'm wired a different way
I'm not a mistake, I'm not a fake, it's set in my DNA
don't change me [x4]
(I can't be tamed)

I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don't know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know

I can't be tamed, I can't be saved
I can't be blamed, I can't, can't
I can't be tamed, I can't be changed
I can't be saved, I can't be (can't be)
I can't be tamed

Friday, June 18, 2010

Chapter#: idk yet lol. The Calm Before The Cave

He stroked the hair out of her eyes. Not the most gentle movement, considering. But it was as gentle as he could make it. The intesity of his gray eyes captured her. The silver flecks in them held the secrets he was holding back from her; things he'd done that he thought must be unforgiveable.

"You don't have to do this. I know everyone says that but in this instance it's true. You have a choice." She knew she was being selfish. He would follow her into Hell if she asked. It was only on formality that she gave him a choice.

As if hearing her thoughts, "There's nothing you can do to keep me from going." He said quietly. "I may not have decided this fate on my own... but from the moment I met you, I knew it was what I was meant to do."

Satisfied with his response, her mouth upturned into a small grin. Sohail held out his hand. Sarah stared at it for a single, fleeting moment, unsure of whether or not she'd ever get the chance to hold his hand again when this was all over. For the first, and probably the last time, she took it.

They faced the vast mouth of the cave, hesitated, then proceeded inside. Both of them wondering if they'd make it back out.

Hey guys! So this is a little snippet from my novel. I hope you like it =D

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Toothless and StephenFitz

Have you seen that movie, "How to train your dragon"?

It's a cute 3D kids movie about a boy, who's a viking, struggling to fit in with the other vikings, which is hard because of how scrawny and weak he is. The business of these vikings is to kill the dragons of the surrounding area. No exceptions. Well one day, when the village is being attacked by dragons, this boy decides to try to kill his first. He ends up shooting a dragon with netting designed to trap it. Feeling excited for not failing, for once, he goes to find the dragon and discovers it's a rare breed no one has killed before. In the end, he can't muster the strength to kill the beast, even though it's defenseless, and lets it go free. Eventually he befriends the dragon, learns to ride him and names him toothless, because it can retract his teeth.

It's an amazing movie and I love it to death. Toothless it, without a doubt, my favorite character. So when I found out they were giving away toys from the movie at McDonalds, I immediately got Adam to ask them if I could have one.

Yeah, I know, I'm such a kid =)

I left the toy Toothless in Adam's car, on the visor in the passenger seat.... my seat. It was there for the better part of a month, because Adam was off doing his own thing(cough cough... America's Got Talent... cough cough) but I, in no way, forgot about it.

Yesterday... the sting of betrayal filled me. Adam told me that he and Chrissy had taken Stephen to the airport to go on his coast guard adventures down south. Chrissy spotted my Toothless in the visor and came up with a clever little whim... "Hey, let's put it in Steve's luggage and he'll see it when he gets there."

So now Toothless... my car buddy... my awesome dragon... is in freaking Mobile, Alabama. Damn it.

Chrissy... game on.

Adam... beware.

Steve... take good care of it or the squirrel gets it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Novelists Life

As some of you may know, I got a new laptop a few months back. It's cute, it's a Dell... whateva. But right as I turned on my Toshiba(my first laptop) to get all my stuff off of it, it gave me the blue screen of death and didn't work until Fisher could figure out how to wipe it clean. So everything I had was lost. Including my epic novel that I've been writing since I was about fiteen or sixteen.

At first, I was in such mourning for it that I told myself I didn't want to rewrite it. And ya know... I still feel like maybe I shouldn't rewrite that exact book. So I decided I want to write it again, but it'll be different and better. It'll be a teen novel. And Hopefully you all will like it.

So as I sit here, writing to you and munching on the delicious burger king goodness that Fisher just brought me, I have a billion idea's oing through my head. And I've also come to a decision... THIS is what I've always wanted to do with my life. I've been a procrastinator for WAY too long when it comes to this book... and I want to take back what I started almost five years ago when I met Fisher... I wanna take back the project that helped give me a voice at my school.

Novelist life....... here I come, whether you're ready for me or not ;D

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Letter To Me

Dear Self,

It's been a while since we had a little chat, hasn't it? So let me fill you in on us, ok?

What you're doing isn't working! You need to work harder at realizing what you need to do with your life! You can't work at Winco forever, ya know. There are lots of people who have been there for 5+ years who are telling you to get the eff out as soon as you can. You think you can tolerate the horrible customers forev er just because you happen to like what you do now? Get a grip. You're gonna grow to resent it, like every other job you've had(aside from Silver Street).
You didn't even fill out your fafsa! You were supposed to have this all figured out by now. You already took a year off after high school... is it possile you're taking off another year after doing two years at CCC? How can you even THINK of doing that?


But there's nothing you can really do now, is there? There aren't any courses you can take at CCC, besides math and science, that would benefit you or a degree. And let's be honest: we suck at math and science. The end goal was to transfer. But where to? PSU? MBC? PCC? Apollo? What do you want to do with your life?

Thanks for the talk... now go get ready for work while others enjoy the sunshine on their day off.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Lion By Any Other Name Would Be Called: Megan

Yesterday was my first day back at work in a week cus of illness. But you already knew that if you read my little online journal... blog... thingy. Come to think of it, why DO you read this? It's stupid.

Yeah... way to score points or gain any readers Megan... shit....

Anywhoooo.... I realized something at work yesterday: I don't hate it. Almost every other job I've had, I've ended up hating. Makes sense. I just hate WORK. Not gonna lie. But with it comes a sense of world belonging and satisfaction in bringing a service to people so that makes it worth it. I do get annoyed with only one co-worker, however, and she just can't seem to redeem herself to me lol. She's always yelling, "MEGAN! YOU NEED TO COME OVER HERE AND HELP US!"

Yeah... STORY OF MY LIFE, LADY! =P Jk lol. She just rubs me the wrong way so I try to stay out of her reach.

There something specific I wanted to put in my blog that I thought of yesterday, but now it has escaped me... effig thoughts! I told you that you weren't allowed out of your cage!

I did, however, come across an AMAZING mask in the Pioneer Courthouse Square Mall the other day whilst adventuring with Livvie:

It's pretty awesome, right? It was like, $60 though, otherwise I would have bought it!

The whole shop was things that people/artists made by hand. Livvie and I were in awe. There were tons of masks and crafts, paintings and lamps. It was, indeed, a treasure hunt to see who could find what was more cool.

Livvie and I decided that if we ever had a masquerade party, we'd probably shop there for our masks. Mine was only one of a couple dozen that were all sorts of things like animals, flowers, even a queen on hearts-type mask =]

Youth group is tonight and I haven't been there in a couple weeks cus of being sick and stuff so I'm excited to see everyone =D

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog number 2934593768693635473

So hopefully I won't mess up this blog like I did the last one lol. MUST NOT TYPE THEN ACCIDENTALLY ERASE EVERYTHING! >.<

So anyays...
I sold two of my camera's to someone on craigslist yesterday, whooo!
I sold my Canon SX10is and my Kodak Zi6. And I know what you're thinking:

"Omg Megan! You're a photography freak! Why would you sell two of your babies???"

Well, imaginary friend, I'll tell you!
I don't take pics anymore. Not professionally at least, and I don't make too many youtube video's anymore, either. So hence, I got rid of my semi-professional camera and my vlogging camera. It's sad, but I'm $300 richer for my 21st birthday next month!

Oh yeah, that's right! I'm gonna be 21 on July 13th =D
And I think I've heard whispers from Fisher about a day trip to the beach, if anyone wants to come!!!

I had orange juice and a bagel with peanut butter for breakfast. It's the first time in forever that I actually had a breakfast food before noon lol. Maybe I'll start a new trend? Or not! This guy was hammering on something this morning and woke me up. LAME! When I finally got up to yell out the window for him to shut the hell up, the hammering stopped and there was no one in sight. Just my luck. So I woke up cranky and knew it was my destiny to blog about it and tell all of you invisible people who probably always have breakfast at a morning hour and have no idea what I'm talking about.

Today is my first day back at work since I got sick and was sent home last tuesday. Whooo! It's kinda like, that first day back at school where you're excited to see all your friends but you're dreading the new classes... then, by the end of the week, you dread school altogether. BUT! I kinda like my job, so maybe this won't be as brutal lol.

I'm now on the third book in "The Mortal Instruments" series, yay!

Um... that's all I have to write right now =D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Epic blog fail

So I just wrote this totally EPIC blog about stuff going on in my life. I hit a button and now it's all gone. So... long blog short...
-I got sick. I'm almost all better.

-I started reading a book series called, "The Mortal Instruments" and am on book two, entitled, "City of Ashes."

-I'm starting to feel shitty about life in general, but am keeping the reasons to myself.

So there ya go. Now I'm feeling pissed off and pessimistic and even though going back to sleep for the rest of the day sounds good, maybe I'll just take a vicadin and read my book some more.