Friday, December 25, 2009

December 25th

So I'm alone on Christmas. A week ago today I thought I'd be spending this day with the love of my life. But instead, I spent it with people who could care less if I existed. And my "amazing" plans for tomorrow fell through. So... I'm left wondering... Where are all these people who said they'd be here for me no matter what? Where's all the words of kindness and love and support I was promised?
God is the only one who has kept these promises... but he's not even visible or flesh. He cannot hold my hair back while I throw up from crying or take my hand to tell me I deserve better. He can only be with me in spirit and that frustrates me beyond anything else. My faith is not wavering... not one bit. But my trust in his comfort drives me up a wall when all these so-called friends of mine are all off with their loved ones while I sit here alone, bawling my eyes out, because the love of my life decided to dump me rather than talk out what's been bothering him.

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