Sunday, December 27, 2009

One Week

It has been almost one full week since Josh and I broke up.
Funny how slowly time passes when you're not really happy.
Don't get me wrong, I don't need a man in my life to make me happy or complete. I only need God for that. But somehow as I'm thinking of ways to describe how Josh and I are in a relationship, I can only think of the word, "soulmate." He and I... we are like soulmates. As soon as we met I felt drawn to him. All those years ago, teasing him and then starting to date in high school. We've somehow always been together, even when we were apart.
We've been messagin eachother every day since we broke up. A couple times it turned into a fight. But most of the time it was civil and sometimes happy. Then today something happened which I cannot divulge. All you need to know is that I still love him.
To be seperated from him is like losing one half of me. It seems we're both happier together. And it's obvious we miss eachother. A touch... a kiss... a secret look across a room. All of these things are so small and minimal to most, but are a huge part of our relationship as a whole. I miss getting the 'good morning' and 'good night' texts and the texts telling me how much I was loved. I miss giving those texts, too.
I wish he would read this blog and know how much I love him and how badly I want us to be together. I also want him to know how happy he makes me and I want so badly to make things right so I can make him happy, too.

"Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one." John Keats

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